Box 337
ƒ89—A Brief History of the Reformed Presbyterian Young People's Union Together with the Proceedings of the Second Annual Convention, 1897
ƒ93—Act to Incorporate the Trustees of the RPC NA Theological Seminary, 1856, signed by James Pollock, governor of Pennsylvania and member of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, General Synod [2 pp.]
ƒ55—Banner of the Covenant, publication, July 1850
ƒ78—Barnes, Albert, 1852, Our Position, ["A sermon preached before the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States in the Fourth Presbyterian Church in the City of Washington, 20 May 1852"; (NY: Newman & Ivison), 39pp.]
ƒ88—Benson, L.A., Twenty-Five Years with the Republican City Church, n.d.
ƒ17—Bethel Reformed Presbyterian Church, Sparta, IL, Church History, folder 1
ƒ18—Bethel Reformed Presbyterian Church, Sparta, IL, Church History, folder 2
ƒ49—Bethel Reformed Presbyterian Church, Sparta, IL, Pastor's Visitation Logbook, 1846 - 1847
ƒ06—Bicentennial Material, Artifacts
ƒ07—Bicentennial Material, Brochures and Articles
ƒ08—Bicentennial Material, Correspondence
ƒ09—Bicentennial Material, Maps and Charts
ƒ10—Bicentennial Material, Photographs and Maps
ƒ11—Bicentennial Material, Program
ƒ12—Board of Church Extension, 1936 ? 1949, Correspondence, Minutes and Reports
ƒ94—Board of Domestic Missions, Minutes, n.d.
ƒ13—Board of Foreign Missions, By-Laws, n.d.
ƒ30—Canadian Churches, Correspondence, 1966 - 1968
ƒ14—Cedarville College, College Bulletin, 1915, and newspaper, 1901
ƒ19—Cedarville Reformed Presbyterian Church, Cedarville, OH, Centennial Souvenir Booklet, 1809 - 1909
ƒ58—Centennial Anniversary of the Fairview Reformed Presbyterian Church, Industry, PA, 1952
ƒ20—Chambers - Wylie Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, PA, Dedication Souvenir, 1901
ƒ73—Chesnut, James Lyons, In Memoriam
ƒ15—Church Boards of the General Synod, Charter and By-Laws, 1921
ƒ61—Covenant of the Covenanters, The, 1871 [tract, 5.3 cm, 12pp.]
ƒ59—Douglas, Samuel W., The Christian Ministry, 1881
ƒ23—Duanesburg Reformed Presbyterian Church, Duanesburg, NY, 150th Anniversary materials
ƒ66b—Duff, Alexander, The Worship of the Lord in His Sanctuary, 1877
ƒ41—Eastern Reformed Presbyterian Synod in Ireland, 1895, Minutes.?Contains Correspondence from RPCNA, GS
ƒ84—Eastern Reformed Synod, Belfast, Ireland, A Solemn Protest Against That Infamous System of Tyranny and Misrule?, 1847
ƒ36—Finan, Rev. Peter, Memoir, 1876
ƒ24—First Reformed Presbyterian Church of New York City, Centennial Celebration, 1897
ƒ25—First Reformed Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh, PA, 1939 ? 1941, Annual Report
ƒ92—Foster, Henry Donnel and ancestors, [biography].?His grandfather William was the pastor of the Upper Octorara Church, beginning in 1768.
ƒ26—Fourth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, PA, History
ƒ42—General Synod, 136th (1959), Minutes
ƒ44—General Synod, Minutes, 1888
ƒ43—General Synod, Minutes, 1913
ƒ27—Grandcote Reformed Presbyterian Church, Coulterville, IL
ƒ28—Grandcote Reformed Presbyterian Church, Coulterville, IL, Treasurer's Records, 1881 - 1887
ƒ82—Harshaw, William, A Romance of Old Home Missions, "The Women's Column", September 1903
ƒ34—History of the First Associate Reformed Presbytery of Illinois, copy
ƒ33—History of the First Associate Reformed Presbytery of Illinois, original
ƒ35—Houston?Mansion, Houston, KY
ƒ69—India Mission, 1900, 16th Annual Report,
ƒ71—India Mission, 1901 & 1904, Statistics of the Presbyterian Alliance of India
ƒ83—Kerr, James, The Scottish Martyrs Defended, [lecture], 1902
ƒ63—Knox, John, An Essay on the Application of Reformation Principles to the American Government, 1833
ƒ90—McFeeters, J.C., Psalms versus Hymns, 1908
ƒ75—McKinney, David, Inspiration, [sermon], 1893
ƒ86—McLeod, John Niel, The Stone of Help:?A Discourse, 1848
ƒ80—McLeod, John, Protestantism:?The Parent and Guardian, [lecture], 1843
ƒ66a—McLeod, John, The God of Our Fathers, 1854
ƒ57—McMaster, Gilbert, Brief Inquiry into the Civil Relations of Reformed Presbyterians, 1833
ƒ68—McMaster, Gilbert, The Great Subject of the Christian Ministry, 1852
ƒ02—McMillan, Archibald, Estate of, Application for Legacy before the Supreme Court of the State of Washington,
ƒ64—McMillan, J., 1865, Friendly Memories of a Friend in Christ: A Sermon upon the Occasion of the Death of G.R. M'Millan, [sermon, 52pp.; Named person: Gavin Riley M'Millan.]
ƒ32—Meiners, Harry, Brief History of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America, General Synod.
ƒ39—Ministers and Baptisms, Folder 1
ƒ40—Ministers and Baptisms, Folder 2
ƒ03—Mission of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, The, article
ƒ46—News Articles
ƒ85—Orr, James, Some Thoughts on the Book of Revelation, 1876
ƒ77—Our Church Boards:?Their Needs, Financial Standing and Our Present Duty Toward Them, 1924 [23pp.]
ƒ05—Payne, J. Barton, America's Reformed Presbyterian Bicentennial.
ƒ79—Presbyterianism the Truly Primitive and Apostolic Constitution of the Church of Christ, n.d.
ƒ67—Ramsey, S.M., God's Call to Us, n.d.
ƒ81—Reformation Principles Exhibited, 1853
ƒ37—Reformed Presbyterian Church in Scotland, Ministerial Directory
ƒ38—Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America, General Synod, Ministerial Directory,
ƒ21—Reformed Presbyterian Church, Darlington, PA, Centennial Anniversary
ƒ22—Reformed Presbyterian Church, Darlington, PA, Notes from Church Minutes, 1893 - 1974
ƒ51—Reformed Presbyterian Church, South Ryegate, VA, 1903, Photographs
ƒ48—Reformed Presbytery, 1880, Overture, Adopted by
ƒ31—Roorkee, India, Correspondence, 1935
ƒ74—Scott, Charles G., M.D., In Memoriam.
ƒ56—Scott, Charles, Brief History of the Reformed Presbyterian Church:?1884 - 1894.
ƒ91—Standards of Government, Discipline, and Worship, adopted in 1957
ƒ60—Steele, David, Concise History of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, 1886
ƒ62—Steele, David, Elements of Ministerial Success, 1884.
ƒ52—Steele, David, Program from 40th Anniversary of the Pastorate of, 1901
ƒ87—Synod's Farewell:?A Report of the Farewell Missionary Meeting, The, 1855
ƒ70—Taylor, Dr. & Mrs. J.C., Our India Mission, Rurki, India, 1924
ƒ76—Theological Seminary of the RPCNA, GS, Convocation Address, 1871
ƒ16—Theological Seminary of the RPCNA, GS,, Trustees, Charter and By-Laws
ƒ29—Third Reformed Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, PA, Annual Report, 1941 & 1942,
Messenger, 1951, 1953 - 1954
ƒ04—Vos, Johannes G., The Visibile Church:?Its Nature, Unity and Witness.
ƒ47—Westminster Reformed Presbyterian Church, Alamogordo, NM, 1966, News Articles
ƒ54—Wicklein, Edward, Badger Kirk.?Contains historical sketches of RPCNA churches in Wisconsin
ƒ53—Women's Presbyterial Missionary Society, Programs, 1890, 1891, 1903
ƒ72—Woodside, Nevin, Review of Informatory Vindication:?The Troubles of the First Reformed Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh (1880).
Related Collections and Resources:
Covenant Theological Seminary
Reformed Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh, Church History, 1971,
[student paper by Charles B. Holliday, III],
Box 4, Folder 36. |